Mohamed M.
It is good equipment. Get the job done
Paul N.
this thing is fun. for the price it does what it should and more
John R.
Packaging was less than expected with some damage, but the product survived. It hooks up directly with my Greenworks pressure washer as well as my gas-powered industrial washer. Haven't tried it yet but the quality is much better than expected.
Cindy S.
Have not used yet
Herman C.
Have not used it yet.
Keven C.
works great well made well worth the price and very easy too set up and use
Vlad L.
Haven't used it yet appears well made.
Donald B.
I was surprised it worked so well!!
gary j.
I have got my package it was wrapped very well. Came in exactly as advertised. Looks very well made. But unfortunately I have not used it yet. So I can’t say how good it works. But I am sure it will work just as advertised.
Roger M.
Works really well and I have found alot of use for it around the shop.
Fairly good quality easy to use, not as robust as some but for cost it's a good D I Y tool
Edward G.
It works great. It removed the rust on a differential that I'm rebuilding. Thanks
Bennett E.
Still waiting on the ceramic tips
Gary H.
Haven't had any problems with it
I didn't make any movie of it, but its quite interesting tool, usefull for several works - I certainly will buy the professional one.
Congrats suppliers
Brian M.
Haven’t been able to use it yet as my pressure washer is in for repair
Bob W.
Have not used yet. Bought to strip bottom paint off boat. Will try out this spring. Seems to be great. Fast shipping.
Kevin B.
Very satisfied with the design and functionality of the blaster.
arthur T.
Works well good tool
Rick J.
Works much better than expected. Especially for the price.
robert w.
havent had chance to try it due to weather
robert s.
Operates as expected
Chip P.
Looking forward to blasting the gel coat off my boat to prep for new gel coat
Hunt D.
It worked great was supposed to get two spray wines only got one
Dwight G.
Ok I read others reviews and I saw mixed reviews. Even so I decided to give it a shot due to my sandblaster and industrial air compressor being at my other house in another state. My home pressure washer is a Briggs n Stratton 2100psi Sand - Lowes play sand... i wasted a half bag trying to figure it out lol Important tip #1- pour sand into a bucket through a window screen mesh also purchased at lowes. This prevents unseen chunks n clogs in tip. Important tip #2- when connecting the sandblaster attachment to the pressure washer wand *make sure to put the sand feed port facing up*. This prevents water from wetting the sand and clogging the feed tube. After I figured it out I was able to pressure wash my 1972 Oldmobile Cutlass rear end. Note: upon drying it flash rusts super fast. No big deal. Just spray the part with Ospho or Chemprime and it will eat up the rust and clean it so you can Epoxy prime and paint. Would I buy another one? Yes for small projects but for big projects Id rather use my traditional system I think this sums it up. Most errors are user error so dont be defeated when something doesnt work right. Pay attention, observe, and you will find the problem. Unless you vote democrat then theres no hope.
Derel B.
I've used a Pressure Washer Sandblaster kit with 5000 psi and 4 gpm. Worked great. But could I do it at home with an electric power washer, 2000 psi and 1.2 gpm? Answer is yes, it will work. It will remove rust down to bare metal but it takes a while. I noticed the instructions said keep the siphon hose aligned to always be up so water will not run into the siphon hose. Very important! The sand was not siphoned up continuously, it was more like a gulp. About every 5 seconds sand would flow to the nozzle and get blown out, then another gulp. I decided to try putting the sand bucket up higher, so moved it to tailgate of pickup. It helped some, time between gulps were less. Also used the bag from the chipper shredder to cover the sand bucket to keep sand dry. Since the siphon hose is so short this helped a lot - it stayed dry. Certainly for the money this is a 5-star item. Not a miracle, but it did what I hoped it would do. I hope I can find spare nozzles!
Trevor C.
Haven't really started to use it yet but what i have done with it was awesome
Patrick K.
Worked exactly as they claimed. Saved a ton of time cleaning up and removing rust from the truck frame I am working on. Highly recommend this product.
Darryll R.
Always nervous buying form sites on Facebook but , this buy has lived up to all it spoke its could do! Excellent item I will buy again and again from them!
David B.
These guys are the real deal!!
Braden A.
I got one ... with the katcher jet wash connector .. I have fine glass and it works OK but think if I get something a bit more aggressive it will work even better
Don't let the nozzle wear out should change after pressure decreases on the work or the water will go up the dry tube and block it
Cheap and works fine
Scott T.
It worked for me! I bought three 50 pound buckets at Tractor Supply. It's worth the price. Be sure to keep it dry and help the sand feeding hose above the water jet. I used a fairly cheap electric pressure washer.
Charles S.
Think about what you are doing with this. A metal strip has to be dried immediately and sealed unless using a rust inhibitor and these products eat sand or glass or what ever medium you are using. Does it work yes strips paint rust etc with a pressure washer.
Josh P.
I got one and it works pretty well. Tips: don't use a shallow open container use a 5-gallon bucket and keep it covered so it doesn't get the medi wet and clumpy, and make sure the suction hose on the pressure washer end is facing up when using. Regular sandblasting works great and it's cheap enough to just discard it when done instead of drying it out to re-use.
Jerry S.
Package arrived in great condition, complete, but no reference as to what size of sand works best. I have discovered that there are many sizes also some with glass mixed in. I have not used this yet due to cold weather. Looking forward to restoring many patio furniture pieces as soon as warmer weather arrives. Direction on how to use are good. Thanks
Robert w.
Perfect for cleaning wheels ready for painting
Les D.
It got the job done, great product for the price
Bob D.
Great peice of kit does job Great
Andrew R.
Set up ready to use
Ralph k.
My daughter and I tested this device today and I have to say that it is a pretty nice kit. We water sandblasted a frame on a build we are working on. It worked well using about 3000 PSI on the pressure washer.
One critical thing we learned the hard way is that you MUST use Play Sand. It cannot be paver stone play sand that some companies sell. It must be the fine grain play sand. If you try using paver sand, the grit is much larger and will clog the sandblaster nozzle and maybe the hose.
Another thing worth mentioning is to ensure that you do not get any water in sand container we covered it and it solved the clogging issue. Everything needs to stay dry while using. You may want to put your sand container 5 or 6 feet away from your pressure washer wand that you will be sand blasting with.
Overall, this is a quality design kit and everything works like a charm.
Chuck P.
This thing work very good and did a great job as advertised. The ceramic tip is only good for about 4 bags of silica sand as it wore out from the sand going through it. The ceramic tip on this model is replaceable so if you plan on using it a lot more tips. I thought water blasting would not be as messy but that was not the case. Non the less blasting with this product did an incredible job and I would buy another when this one gives. Overall was happy with it.
James P.
Works great for the price. I used it to blast the paint off my Jon boat. My only issue is not being able to dry enough sand at one time to finish the job. Every now and then sand does get jammed in the tubing and easy fix is wiggle the tube around. It's also easier to have a second person help with the sand and suction/pickup tube. Excellent purchase overall, buying another for my son soon!